Real Estate Law

Commercial Real Property: We represent buyers and sellers in all aspects of the purchase, development, management, and sale of commercial real estate. Satisky & Silverstein, LLP represents one of the Southeast’s largest real estate management and development companies, as well as developers of commercial projects, condominiums, apartments, and single family homes. We have handled commercial real estate transactions totaling in excess of One Billion Dollars.
Residential Real Estate Transactions: We occasionally represent individuals and businesses in the purchase, sale, and refinance of residential real property.
Leases and Leasing: We have extensive experience representing both landlords and tenants in the review, negotiation, and preparation of a wide variety of leases including office leases, shopping center leases, ground leases, apartment leases, field usage leases, and hunting leases. Our understanding of the issues facing landlords and tenants come not only from having representing both sides for over 30 years, but also from our lawyers themselves having owned and leased numerous properties. We are happy to work with brokers for (and often recommend brokers to) our commercial real estate clients.